Friday, September 12, 2008

My Personal Clinical Trial / Ray D. Strand, M.D.

After I had seen my wife's miraculous recovery, I contacted my five worst fibromyalgia patients and asked them to take the same supplements my wife took. They all agreed because they were not only miserable, but they also realized that all traditional medicine had to offer was symptomatic medicine and encouragement to find a support group to learn to live with it.

They did not respond as quickly as my wife had. However, within 6 months they all thanked me for allowing them to get their life back. My wife and these patients still have chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia; however, they have regained control of their lives. They all had noted gradual improvement in their fatigue levels, sleep patterns, and pain symptoms. I have now been able to help literally thousands who are suffering from this disease by sharing my specific recommendations through my online medical practice. Contact us for more information regarding Dr Ray Strand's online practice.

Specialist in Nutritional Medicine

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