Healthy for life program overview
/ Ray D. Strand, M.D.
When I first began trying to reverse insulin resistance in my patients, I tried to teach them healthy lifestyles in a classroom setting. I personally felt that if these people understood the principles and the scientific concepts involving insulin resistance they would automatically make these effective lifestyle changes. Well, to my chagrin most of the patients really did not do very well and therefore, the improvements in their health were not that great. Most of my patients were very sincere in their attempts to make these healthy lifestyle changes but met with all sorts of distractions and misconceptions and would quickly revert back to their old lifestyles.
About 8 years ago I decided to change my approach and simply counsel my patients individually in my office. This was a team effort between my two nurse practitioners and myself. We held our patients accountable by having them document everything they ate during the week, their exercise, and their consumption of the nutritionals. We then would see them back in my office each and every week for the first month and then every other week thereafter. This was an amazing eye-opener for me and my entire staff. When we made the patients become accountable and they realized that they had to write down everything they had been eating during the week, did we see some major improvements! My staff was also able to further educate my patients by simply pointing out to my patients where they were making mistakes and still spiking their blood sugars. Through this interaction my patients not only were learning these new concepts about healthy living but were now more effectively applying them to their own lives. The results were simply amazing! I have literally been able to see my patient’s health improve before my eyes. Individuals who are trying to make changes in their lifestyles want to know exactly what they need to do to improve their health. The more they would learn in the lay media and books, the more confused they would become. The Healthy for Life Program is cutting-edge and based entirely on medical research. This is why so many people have chosen to become involved with the Healthy for Life Program I have developed. Not only do they trust the information they are receiving but when they personally make these lifestyle changes they are having such tremendous results.
I have now developed this new web page http://www.releasingfat.com/, which I feel offers everyone a greater chance of success. This is literally my personal medical office online. The internet offers us a unique tool which will be even more effective in evaluating, documenting, encouraging, and holding individuals accountable than my approach in my medical office. Individuals anywhere in the world who truly desire to develop these healthier lifestyles that have a side-effect of permanent weight loss can now have lifetime success. This approach can be done in the privacy of their own home and where they receive professional guidance and support from my entire staff.
I want to explain how I am able, through this site, to help anyone around the world achieve these health benefits. Even though these lifestyle changes are simple and easy, we are all creatures of habits—some good and some bad. In order to effectively have victory over some of these poor lifestyles, you need to be motivated, encouraged, and held accountable. Over time, these new lifestyles become natural and eventually just a way of life. Out with the old habits and in with the new healthier habits. You will actually enjoy the freedom of not being addicted to fast food and all the high-glycemic and processed carbohydrates. You will enjoy the way you feel and your new energy level along with a sense of well-being. You will also not be discouraged when you begin to shed excess pounds of fat and realize that you are not even trying to lose weight. You will not weigh your food or count calories. If you become naturally hungry, you simply eat another low-glycemic meal or snack. That's correct, you will not go hungry on the Healthy for Life Program.
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