These diseases seem to be developing in my patients at younger ages. Even though we place them on a tremendous amount of medication, we do not seem to change the course of their disease.
What good does it do to live to a ripe old age of 93 if you haven't been able to recognize your family or spouse for the last 10 years because of Alzheimer's dementia, as was the case of former President Ronald Reagan? Look at Mohamed Ali or Michael J. Fox. Have we been able to effectively help them with their Parkinson's disease?
My patients are no longer as concerned about the years in their lives as they are about the quality of life in those years. Quality of life is the issue. Because of our stressful lifestyles and poor lifestyle habits, we are suffering earlier from these degenerative diseases.
Michael J. Fox developed Parkinson's disease at 32 years of age.
Nearly 45% of our children who develop diabetes have the adult onset or type 2 diabetes.
We are certainly living too short and dying too long.
Specialist in Nutritional Medicine
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